

发帖时间:2024-07-01 23:39:20

CSGO Smoke Grenades

What is 烟雾a smoke grenade?

Smoke grenades are commonly used in a variety of combat situations, including simulated game situations, as a way to signal, signal a location, or provide cover. When a smoke grenade explodes, it produces a colored smoke that typically lasts for 1 to 3 minutes. The CSGO smoke grenade is a powerful tool for CSGO players, allowing them to provide cover for their teammates, signal locations, and create confusion for their opponents.

How do smoke grenades work in CSGO?

Smoke grenades in CSGO work the same way as they do in real life. When a smoke grenade is thrown, it will create a thick smoke screen which will last for around 15 seconds, obscuring the area from the enemy’s vision. This allows players to move around in relative safety, as their opponents will be unable to see them.

What are the different types of smoke grenades in CSGO?

There are several types of smoke grenades available in CSGO, including the standard grey smoke, the white smoke, and the molotov cocktail smoke. Each has its own unique properties, and can be used in different ways to achieve specific objectives.

Grey Smoke Grenade

The grey smoke grenade is the most common smoke grenade in CSGO. It creates a thick, grey smoke for around 15 seconds, and is often used to obscure areas from the enemy’s vision. It can also be used as a signal to teammates, as the smoke is easy to identify from a distance.

White Smoke Grenade

The white smoke grenade is a more powerful version of the grey smoke grenade. It creates a dense white smoke which is more difficult to see through, and will last around 30 seconds. This makes it a great tool for providing cover while moving around the map.

Molotov Cocktail Smoke

The molotov cocktail smoke is an unconventional smoke grenade. When it explodes, it creates a small fire which produces a thick, black smoke for around 15 seconds. This smoke is even harder to see through than the grey or white smoke, making it a great tool for creating confusion and covering a large area quickly.

How to use CSGO smoke grenades?

Using smoke grenades in CSGO is a great way to provide cover for your team, create confusion for your opponents, and signal to your teammates. While there are different ways to use the smoke, here are some tips for getting the most out of it:


Position yourself in an area where the smoke grenade will be most effective. For example, if you are using it to provide cover while advancing, position yourself so that the smoke will be between you and the enemy.


Timing is key when using smoke grenades. Try to throw the grenade just before the enemy is about to enter the area, so that the smoke will be at its most effective.

Slowing Down

When using smoke to advance, move slowly so that you are not visible when the smoke dissipates. This will give you more time to reach your goal before the enemy can see you.

CSGO Smoke Grenades Weapon Codes

The most commonly used smoke grenade in CSGO is the standard grey smoke grenade, which has the weapon code "weapon_smokegranate". The white smoke grenade has the code "weapon_hegrenade", and the molotov cocktail smoke has the code "weapon_molotov".


Smoke grenades are an incredibly powerful tool for CSGO players. They can provide cover, create confusion, and signal locations to teammates. Knowing how to use them effectively is a key part of any CSGO player’s skill set, and having a good understanding of the different types of smoke grenades, their weapon codes, and how to use them can give you a major edge in any game.

